From Gokwe To Glory 11

From Gokwe To Glory 11

The year was 2018 and I was a freshman ini hangu Shadreck weku gokwe. Varume ku university kunonakidza hako. Despite that things were hard, we did it the Zimbabwean way, smiling and hoping.  The semester was about to close and ipapo ndanga ndisati ndave nebhebhi randaiti rangu coz besty vaingobatika on her terms.

Kuti ndinyenge musikana zvainetsa uye zvairwadza because ini ndaitozvibvira hangu ku Gokwe uko and I didn’t have anything chekuti musikana andide.  Ndaive ku facaulty rema social sciences asi Dereck uyo aive mpfana wa Tudzaa anga andiudza kuti ku Facaulty kwavo (Commerce) kwaive netubby twaive cute and tuchinzwisisa. 

Saka pa weekend we decided kuita ma visits kuma classmates a Dereck. Takabva tananga hedu ku Senga a surburb remuGweru rinogara ma students offrez. Takatanga nekudhen kwa Michelle haaaaaa bois mwana iyeye aibika junk hake. Her dad was a C E O ku Harare uko so she was spoiled and aive hake a bad cook, mwana akati aida kutibikira mazai ndobva amaisa mafuta paya, takazogoona akudira mvura ndobva  tatoshaya ndeipi. Takadya mazai aya, we couldn’t refuse coz zvaizoita senge tiri rude and zvaizotinyimisa chikafu next time tabvarurwa nenzara. 

Takabva tadya mazai aive ne soup yemvura iya haaa for a yellow bone chikafu ichocho chaishata hacho. Takambogara for a while Dereck vachizama kupusher kuti ndidiwe. Takazotiza after tanzwa bby riya rakuti I’m preparing lunch tikati iiii tozofa ne food poisoning.

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Takabava taenda kune rimwe bby raigara ku Ton haaaa iroro raitonyima zvemutupo chaizvo. Vaive Man VVVaivVaive Mancube ivavo haaa mwana iVaVaivMac Mncube ivavo haaa mwana iyeye Mancube ivavo haa mwana iyeye ainyima zvaityisa. Akati achinzwa knock akabva amhanya kunodzima gas stove yake ndobva atanga kuimba zvake nziyo dze praise and worship. 

I didn’t blame her hake, zvinhu zvanga zvakaomera munhu wese weduwee. Takazama kutaura nyaya dzisingapere tichiti kuda zvimwe aizotinzwira tsitsi obva  atanga kubika, asi haana kumbobvira aita saizvozvo zuva rakuda kudoka takabva tato buda tatoona kuti mwana aramba ne food yake, ndiwo musi wandakatanga kutya mabby aibva kuMasvingo ipapo coz iii kunyima kwacho aive ma1 chaiwo.

Isu tanga tapererwa ne chikafu coz tainyanya kuda kuonererwa saka team rese raiswera rinesu richidyaa chikafuchedu aya. Takabva` taona kuti ma1 ndiwo anga atanga manje, shamwari dziya dzaitipa food dzaitotitiza dzichiti pakaipa. Our only option was to go kuna  Kimmy, my friends with benefits. Ndaive ndambomu ignore for a few days ko ndanga ndakufarisa kaa.

Asi sekutaura kwevakuru: kusina mai hakuendwe ndakabva ndaenda hangu kuna Kimmy knowing kuti haafe akambondirasisa chero zvidii. Takasvika kwa Kimmy tikawana ane rimwe dude soo iroro raisave nebasa. It was one of those vekungodyowa mari. As usual paakandiona akabva andipa zi hug but this time paakandipa hug I felt something, something I had never felt before mumakore ose andanga ndararama ndiri Gokwe. 

Kimmy was nice, sweet and considerate, Dereck aigara achindi netsa kuti ndimupfimbe asi ini hunhu ndiwo hwaindinetsa I always thought it was inappropriate kuti ndimunyenge and as such ndaimuona  se friend after tabikwa a nice meal paya takabva tatanga kutaura nyaya and enjoying.

Kimmy akabva avhura hwahwa ndobva tatanga kumwa. By the fifth bottle tanga tatodhakwa hedu ipapo tarova ma vocabulary words aya asingangobude pese pese. Ndakaona Dereck achitsoma Kim, Hana yangu yakatanga kurova , I’m not sure why yakaita saizvozvo.

Ndakangosimuka and went kuna Kim, I looked her straight in the eyes and leaned towards her, ndakabva ndato mu kiss paya, she responded, Just kidding another narration of my fantasies, because ndaibva Gokwe ndakarega Dereck achitsoma Kim, Because ndaibva gokwe ndakarega Dereck achikisa Kim, I was still innocent, I was not yet street wise ini hangu Shaddy Mwana wa Vheronika weku Goke… TO BE CONTINUED. 

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From Gokwe To Glory 1 

From Gokwe To Glory 2 

From Gokwe To Glory 3

From Gokwe To Glory 4

From Gokwe To Glory 5

From Gokwe To Glory 6 

From Gokwe To Glory 7 

From Gokwe To Glory 8 

From Gokwe To Glory 9

From Gokwe To Glory 10