Gora Zowa Adonhedza Katrck Kerudo

Muimbi Gora Zowa ati blesser neka trck kake kanyowani Cherry kubva mu EP rake rinonzi Love and Plagues richadonha pamberi apa. Trck racho riri bho harirwadze kunzwa apa anenge achiimba nema languages akasiyana siyana. Zvobva zvaita kuti trck iri rive unique. Pane kamwe kagitare kanenge kachiridzwa kanoita kuti trck iri ripise more. Vanoda kuziva kuti trck racho nderei munoverenga pazasi apa.
The first track from the EP: Love and Plagues by Gora Zowa. A man, who is destitute of affection finds himself in love by chance and is fulfilled by meeting a beautiful lady Cherry. This is serendipity! The man is prepared to travel across and through the land of love, using the dusty and bumpy rural roads, Boli Mhlanguleni and Boli Mutshenenge, to cement his love with Cherry. The spirited man cannot find the aptest superlatives to express his affection for Cherry, and resorts to using different languages, Shona, Tonga, and Swahili to lay bare his innermost feelings for Cherry! Hence, he cries out loud from the heart, "Mwari vakandichengetera iwewe Cherry (Leza wakandibambila nduwe musimbi Cherry)"! "Ngatisimbise rudo irworu nguva yatiri pano panyika ino ishoma(Tuimarishe pendo letu maana nmchache nmchache!"