How I lost the perfect woman part 3

How I lost the perfect woman part 3

So to pick off where we left of. Ndandarambwa paye. The board had spoken, the gate was shut and ndandisina makey. Gaya ndandarowa hwekwa Silent Killer, ndalocker mastreets ndabva ndarasa hangu maKey. You know when wakapeperera pamunhu zvonetsa kumedza defeat. So I decided to apply pressure. Apa ndiri pavanhu vanoti pressure ndeye maTyres but the boy was ready to put in the work. I told my boss at the time who was my dad kuti ndandarohwa neFatigue so I needed some time off. Initially ndakati two days. Ndichiti I win her back on day one. Day two I spoil and pamper her. 

Day one; I wanted to go see  her. She hadn’t blocked me kunge Chenai(I was however part of team not saved). So I was confident hangu kuti just maybe. I called her In the morning and I stated my intentions and made it clear I wanted to see her. She flat out told me no. But I was ready to put in the work. Saka ndakanyengerera munhu akabvuma in the end. Rurimi huchi could have been my nickname after that interaction. I made her believe, and I wasn’t lying. She agreed to meet me. The location was her hairdressers. Independent woman what what akaramba kuti ndimubhadharire. I was prepared honestly. I needed her in my life because she made me happy. The time we were supposed to meet, I cleaned up nice and didn’t eat on my way out. Ndakatsika mota to the specified shopping centre and texted her kuti I’m outside. She texted back and told me to wait a bit. Dai ndakaenda change kumba in retrospect. 

Mafriends enyu mabhebhi I’m convinced vanopihwa mhiripiri kuti vasiye mukaka. Because yah hah, neh! Mmmmhhh kuita kunge vakaveserwa moto mubhrugwa hutsi kubuda mukamwa. To this day. That has been the most difficult non racist situation I had to diffuse. Vakabuda vari two havo vachibamba kunge mota dzana tupac dziya. Apa vakafinyama kumeso kunge front yeBMW. 

That was worrying but ndakati gafa igafa and ndangandichavaratidza calmness yemuGhetto yut ari murudo. I stayed calm hangu as they walked towards me. I knew hangu nekushatirwa kwavanga vaita panga pasina hesi ichabuda so pavakatanga kuhwereketa kunge chimudhudhudhu. Haa ndiri gafa. I listened to them shout at me ndakadya easy kunge imbwa yemuvet. But come to think of it. Ndakapopoterwa level rekuita kunge ndahura. 

Inini ndangobatikana nemagraft. But i did listen to her friends and concluded kuti vakamborumwa nembwa ine rabbis and havana kupedza course yemushonga. Vapedza kutaura paye. Ndakangoti sorry kune maboard members paye. (Although one of them anenge akanga akatsamwa kuti i liked her friend and not her "i think hangu"). They seemed to calm down after my apology. Ndakavatova necomposure yembavha yekuEpworth inokubatidzira light kuti uende kunoita weti zvakanaka iyo ichiba hayo. 

I then called her, and she told me to come in. Ana kutu vakanzi chill outside. Ini uyo musaloon nema chocolates. In my mind i had won the major battle. Nyambe ndaideala nebura, nedamba haro. Imagine ndamukwatisa nerudo akaramba ari (nyemba isingaibve). So i said my piece. Wangu ndokuda hangu and I came there to apologise. I told her everything. From me preparing to ask her out, to mabasa adiabrosi to twumbwa twake turi rude twasara muzuva ndapinda. I thought things were going well. Iyo confidence yangu kukwira kunge yaPassion Java alas chipinge yangaisina kana network. Unoita kunge uchamedza danda. 

Kudi then spoke, "wangu i forgive you,,..". Then and there ndakabva ndadira fast setting concrete ndichiti madhiri sorted. Abva ati but, " but I can't see us going further." She made it clear kuti ndisiyane naye. I was hurt. But ndakaramba kupera power kunge surf ye boom ndakatobvunza kuti "why, howfar?" She then explained kuti panana brijoe vanga vari outside vakaita search yavo and concluded kuti ndangandiri a bad influence on her. Kana uri board member remulife memumwe munhu please let those people make their own decisions because chigumbu hangu nanhasi chiripo. I don't want to wish them any bad luck but makamboita goitre zviriko futi. 

She handed me back my chocolates. MaHairdresser akada kutanga kuseka. But ndakazviona so i excused myself and left. Chero munhu ane breaking point. Ndakasvika kumota anana kutu vachiseka. I chose to be as diplomatic as Chris Dombo paakarohwa mbama naWiri. I put my pride aside ndakabva pacomplex. Thus ends how I lost her. She didn't make an appearance in my life again until months later. Ndichakuuzivisai. Next up inyaya kwakashanda maChocolates. Elder Matadzakuguta futi is in the works. Nenyaya dzangu na007
Till next time!