Ndakaitwa tiki taka nekamusikana kepa University

Pachokwadi ama 2k vari deceiving, unofunga kuti wazvionera kamusikana bho izvo katove ka senior muchigame chekutamba nemoyo yevanhu. Ndakasangana nekamwana bho bho ku BUSE main campus, ndaitofambirawo nyaya dzangu dzekugadzirisa transcript neku clear kuti ndipihwe Certificate.
Ndakabva ndakapa lift, kakati kanogara Chipindura park, ini i stay area inonzi Chiwaridzo. So from kwandaiva ndiri tinotanga tasvika Chipindura then Chiwaridzo. Ndakapenyerwa nemwana akandipa number and i dropped her pamba paaigara for the semester. We started to chat here and there, to be honest that talking stage inobhowa. But mwana uyu emphasised on the talking stage hanzi ndokuti ndikuzive better andidi kuita rush things.
In my mind ndaingoti soulmate ndaiwana because mazuvaano kuwana musikana aribho kwakunetsa kwangozara nzenza dzega dzega. We talked daily, tichiphonerana and she also told me ane curfew ya 6 and landlord vake ndivo vano locker door vorara nema keys, ndakati bho at least munhu wangu anenge ari safe.
Dzimwe nguva ndaiti kana ndikashaya zvekuita i would create a fake wedding day redu mu brain dzangu. To be honest mujaya anga anyura murudo nekuti mwana uyu ticked all the boxes and semunhu akusvika zera rekuroora takangoti bho. I would go and see her to chiller hedu mukamuskoro skoro kandaifamba nako. Ini ndaingoti nothing can go wrong nekuti munhu ndewangu uyu.
I would play that NaMwari song by Maskiri most of the times yaitogara iri on repeat. All hell broke loose one day pakauya Qounfuzed and Bazooker kuka club kainzi Club 263. Ini ndiri munhu asingade ma chills zvekudaro plus vapfana ve lip sync vanobhowa so i had no plans dzekuenda ku gig. Mwana called, mujaya uripi ndirikuda kuenda kwa Bazooker because ndomuda zvekudaro.
Ini i was like hona ka, im broke ndingorine fuel mumota chete zvikanzi nemwana ehe huya unditore. Ndakasvika pa gate kuma past 7 and andina kumbodeepisa stereki kuti munhu anoti curfew i 6 but 7 aripanze. She came ne friend yake, while on our way ku club 263 they started to make some calls. Ndakangoti haa maybe friend yacho ndiyo ikuphonera bae wayo ini nemunhu wangu tiri ok. Boys ma1 tasvika paye ndirikuona pane 2 boys wake wake and ini ndini ndatova chauffeur vavo ka.
I was now out of the picture and mwana didn't care about mental health yangu aida kutondiona ndichiparara. I activated my gangster mode, but in this case andina kuita confront ka mwana kandaida. I went to her friend and asked for mari yangu ye taxi kakambofunga kuti im joking kakazoona kuti eh munhu wacho atove serious. Kaka buditsa $10 hanzi tora but unozodzoka uchititora kuma 2 ndakangoti bho. That was the last day i spoke to them ndakabva nda deleter number dzemwana apa aiva church mate kwedu ku Roma uku ma1.