Panashe Odyiswa Bute Na Roomate
Ndanga ndichitozvifambirawo mumastreets ndobva ndasangana nemashura. Ndakaona umwe mufesi anonzi Panashe akuchema nekuisirwa bute na roommate muchikafu.
Ku university kwakangooma hama dzangu. Roomate wangu ndewe chivanhu, nezuro ndakanzwa bute mu soup ye beef yaakabika????
— Gweru kid ???? (@panashedave) May 7, 2023
Anenge akugara ne n'anga chete akaita zvekutamba achachekereswa ha ha. Bute rinowanzorohwa nevanhu vechikuru zvinotoshamisa kuona munhu wechidiki achirova bute.
Anyway now ndakutoda kuziva kuti chii chinombonzi bute roita basa reiko and zvinomboreveiko.
Bute (commonly known as Igwayi) its a herbal powder specially and variously prepared to form the core of numerous rituals in communion(fellowship) with our ancestors. This herb, through its special types can be used to cleanse and exorcise evil and negative energies via drinking,bathing and snorting it. Bute is the herb whose importance is evident in traditional ceremonies such as rituals for our ancestors commonly known as biras, marriage ceremonies as well as water spirits-related rituals.
We have different types of bute.
Posted by Herbal Corner International on Friday, 3 April 2020
Bute Rematare
Bute Remachembere
Bute Remadziva
Bute Rehondo