Shingirai Manyengavana Akadonhedza Dzakakatana

Ndanga ndane time ndisina kutaura nezve maspoken words artist. Pandakapedzisira kutaura nezve spoken word art ndaitaura nezva Street. Ndiye umwe anoita izvi zviri unique yatoti spoken word art. This time ndadzoka zvakare ndiri kutaura nezveumwe ari different anonzi Shingirai Manyengavana.
I'm Shingirai Manyengavana a spoken word artist with a unique talent of playing with words in a way that is both awe-inspiring and connecting with you, my family. With carefully crafted metaphors, similes and imagery, I deliver an unforgettable performance that leaves a lasting impression on anyone who hears my work. My poetry is like musical notes that flow effortlessly with a rhythm that echoes deep within the soul, inspiring listeners to reflect on their own experiences and emotions. You can always count on me to weave together words and phrases in a way that is as complex as it is captivating. My work is a testament to the transformative power of language and the beauty of the spoken word art form.
Mazvinzwira kaa mashoko makukutu ane mavhoko mukati. Mwedzi wapfuura uyu akawana mubairo we Accountability Creative Activism se second runner up ku Youth Perspective Initiative. Anyway Shingi akadonhedza ka spoken word art kanyowani kanonzi Dzakakatana. Yaa aka ndeke vanhu vanenge vakaremererwa mumoyo. Vanoda kukanzwa mokabata apa.