TMPFRVR Ativimbisa Bhama Nyowani

TMPFRVR Ativimbisa Bhama Nyowani

TMPFRVR wepa Marondera apa anozivikanwa nerimwe zita rake repachitupa rinoti Tinashe Munyaradzi Perekwa. Afunga kudonhedza bhama rake rekutanga idzva rinonzi Blame Society. 

So far ane ma trcks ake adonha akatiita sana pressure ne Mari Ine Taste  munomabata apa. Hameno kuti bhama racho rinenge rakamira sei tichazonzwa parinobuda. 

Yaa ndotoziva kuti mese mukuda kuziva kuti sei muimbi uyu akazochusa zita rekuti TMPFRVR and uye nekuti zvinomboreveiko. Nekuti why akazosarudza zita rekuti Blame Society chii chii. Mhinduro dzacho dzidzo dziri pazasi apa dzandakapihwa nemuimbi. 

Blame Society is a personal album about the sacrifices I made to pursue this career that I have now despite society telling me that I cannot do it. I always remember the family and loved ones I'm doing it for. The album will have 8 tracks and features will be announced soon.

The name TMP is an abbreviation of my real name and the Forever part is written as 'FRVR' I added that to make my name unique because there are a lot of TMPs out there.   - TMPFRVR