VI The Law Adonhedza Remix ye Van Choga

VI The Law  Adonhedza Remix ye Van Choga

VI The Law adonhedza  Van Choga (Remix) ino feature Chief ChinoKuda K, Soko Matemai, Myneim na REAP3R. Tombodzokera kumashure mbichana original Van Choga song isiri remix yai feature Russoyea yanga yakapenga futi.

Mumusoro mangu ndanga ndine 2 mivhunzo yandakavhunza VI akandipa mhinduro.

1) Why wakafunga kuimba song yekuti Van Choga? 

Mhinduro yacho "Because when he first came out he came with a different vibe ne energy and people called him why are Zimbabweans against vanhu vane different vibe...and I felt like I related to that..coz I faced resistance when I decided to follow the music path"

2)  Why Russoyea asipo pa Remix iyi 

Mhinduro yacho "l just wanted to have a different vibe"

Mazita aripo pa remix iyi anondiremera madhara chaiwo. I wonder kuti akazvifambisa sei kubatanidza vanhu vese ava pa remix iyi. Kuisa ayo mafesi e fambe fambe ini terere Chief Chino na Kuda K A.KA MuyeraDragon mufesi we suit yake ye Black so inenge yenhaka. 

Poti uyo Soko Matemai ane imwe song yaakaimba na Ahsayn Beatmaker inonzi Mandipe. Ndopandakatanga kumuzivirawo ipapo nanhasi trck iroro richiri kundinakidza ma vocals aivepo ne lyrical content yacho zvakandipinda mubhonzo. 

Pozoti REAP3R uyo wekudonhedza bhama The Boom Baptist ndo best bhama rangu so far gore rino. 

Lastly Mcpotar A.K.A Myneim uyu pane chaasingagone here anogona zvese ndiri a big fan redhara iri. Ndiri kutobva kutamba kamwe kagame kake kaakabva kubura recently kanonzi Trendy Smash kakaipa munozokatsvgaa ku playstore ikoko munokawana or kubaya apa

Yaa ndapedza kuwawata chisarai muchinzwa remix yacho pazasi apa.


Download it here