Dzimba Dzakaoma Hatidi Kunyepa

Dzimba Dzakaoma Hatidi Kunyepa


Growing up, there is one thing I always wanted, that is kuchata.

‘When I grow up I want to marry a beautiful woman.” I would say to myself when I was in Grade 1, wearing new grey socks and a monkey hat.

To me marriage was a priority, rightly so considering even the scriptures say so.

I finished school and passed, not with flying colors but I did enough to progress to Harare Polytechnic.

The reason why I chose Poly is simply because the training there for my field has the reputation for being among the best, if not the best.

I was really never interested in college girls; in fact, spent 2 years without having interest in one, until a certain one came along.

I won’t dwell much into describing what she was like because this is not a story about characters of women but kuoma kwakaita dzimba.

So we dated panga pane kaThat, saved a few dollars aaienderana nemawaniro andaaita, and I paid bride price for her two years after graduation. That was a delightful day for me.

Takagara zvedu zvakanaka nemunhu wangu, we were happy, I couldn’t give her all she needed but we were happy because she appreciated how hard I worked for the little we got.

Pamba pataigara is the place I grew up at, so I decided to have some space ndoendawo kwangu nemunhu wangu so that patinozoitawo mwana wedu wekutanga, tinenge tava kwedu.

So, I saved tumari and bought munhu wangu some new utensils kuti atangewo patsva, ndichibva ndamutengera a new two plate stove dze oven dziye.

Day rekutama rakasvika, I hired a pick up truck and we successfully moved our staff without any hustle.

Takarongedza zvinhu zvedu mushe, tikaitawo ka order kari neat. I then remembered kuti we have a photo ratikatorwa na babe wangu the day I married her by customary law, ndikati regai ndiise kumadziro.

Ndakakomera chipikiri chekutanga, ndobva charamba kupinda, chechi two, can’t get, chechi 3, same same.

Kubva nditange kugara munyika handisati ndamboona madziro akawoma kudaro.

Ndopandikaona kuti dzimba dzakaoma hatidi kunyepa