Dzimba Dzemabwe Yopinda Mumirrion

Dzimba Dzemabwe Yopinda Mumirrion

Mwedzi wapfuura uyu waNdira Winky D akadonhedza bhama rake Eureka Eureka iro rakakonzeresa bongozozo mumastreets. Dzimba Dzemabwe yaakaimba na Shingai yapinda pa mirrion views ku YouTube uko apa ichitrender iri pa number 2. 


Ndiyo yaiita yekutanga kupinda mu mirrion pane ma trcks ake ari mubhama Eureka Eureka. Imwe yandirikuona ichipinda mu mirrion soon iyo yaakaimba na Mutsvene Gumi inonzi Ibotso. 

Yapera kaa iyo neruzo Winky aitenda ma fans ake kubhuku remeso vasina kuzviona modongorera pazasi apa. 

From my heart of hearts, allow me to express my profound gratitude to one and all for the loving birthday wishes. As usual, it was for me a time of introspection and reflection on the journey of life and music. I would like to record special appreciation to my family, the community that raised me and the musical family that has connected with me in the ongoing journey that l continue to walk on  Earth. Your patience and loving support is the greatest advice and encouragement that provides the force for better. 
As l continue to more sensitively detect my mission within the vortex of life, it dawns on me in a clearer way that the ideals of principle anchored music are far greater than me, their relevance rests in enabling potential and greatness for all humanity,especially those fighting against the sophisticated mysteries sharpened by poverty. I wish to play music in the crescendo through expanding and deepening my commitment to principles regardless of my accomplishments and failures over the years. Whilst deriving satisfaction from past achievements, l want to devote greater energies towards contributions in the future horizons.

Posted by Winky D DiBigman on Thursday, 2 February 2023