Pandakapfimba Chipo Baba Vake Varipo 1

Crazy thing happened to me today. Transport yanga ichinetsa nhasi so ndatombotora nguva yakati rebei ndakachilla pa Ruwa Rehab busstop. Luckily ndapihwa lift neumwe mudhara apa mumota mamune mwana anga ari imomo akanaka. Haa anga akabatana musikana iyeye zvekuti ndaita kupenyerwa and then I started making moves .. little did I know kuti the mudhara was the father of the girl in the car.
Hameno kuti zvivindi zvacho ndazviwanepi ndichiita kuflowa nechirungu. Apa musikana uya anga achi replier bho so tabva tasvika pane imwe imba so ndobva adzika I wanted to ask for her number ndikati lemme play it cool ndomuona mangwana. As soon as she left mudhara wacho ango seka so zvikanzi do you know that's my daughter.
Huh ndambo freezer zvikanzi it's all good she is an adult I am sure she knows what to do. Ini nechemumoyo eeh haasi mashura andiri kunzwa here aya. Ndanga ndakatotarisira kubatwa chaiko. The funny part is mdhara wacho was chilled the whole time ndichi Kanda ma bars.
To be continued...