How I lost the perfect woman part 1

This lady is 5’2 and precious in every aspect. Tsvarakadenga yakagadzikwa muruoko rwangu naMwari. I met this girl by chance, if it had worked out it would probably have become a beauty and the beast repraise, because kusada kunyepa musikana uyu akanaka papfungwa nepamuviri. I don’t remember how I started talking to her. It was during ma21 days eboredom first lockdown paye.
Just before mukomana started going up and down Zimbabwe kunge chitima (nyatso pabatai ipapo). So you know how getting to know each other goes, texts turn into calls. A friendship forming becomes a talking stage quite quick but we managed to avoid this. I’m all for emotional availability, or so I think personally. So I wasn’t ready to talk to her on that level. I was also talking to someone on that level so emotionally the boy was already full booked.
Nyaya yanhasi is just detailing how a friendship turned to a talking stage. Topedzisa nyaya mupart two, ndokana maratings aribho futi. Ndokunyimai nyaya yacho makauya muri 5. Saka tidzokere mujigizi renyaya. I was talking to this other girl when I met her. Tomuti Chenai (the girl I was already talking to) and the one I lost tomuti Kudi (ndaimuda hangu, probably still do hameno). So I was talking to Chenai through the first 13 of the 21 days zvinhu zvichitofaya.
Masweet nothing were said and we had a mutual understanding. I’d be on 3hour phone calls naCheche paye ndiri on data futi. Ndandapinda hangu nemakumbo. I don’t think ndanda perera hangu. Day 14/21 yakati yasvika so. I remember this day vividly because I had an especially tiring day ndichisakura mugarden. Haaa ma21 days pakashandiswa binya paden! Takaita malandscape artist. Chakashota mapaper chete but tinosorta. Saka mukomana manheru akatiageza akati rega ambopinda pama sai sai uyo pfee so.
Cheche texted to tell me kuti heee I miss talking to you and I told her to call, pasina maseconds phone yakapinda mukomana akazhinya last. We had a 6 hour call and ndakatorara ndakarota dream ine sound paye. I woke up 2 hours later ndakananga kunodiridza maveggie angu mugarden and texted Chenai. One tick and since it was early morning I didn’t think much of it. Ndakatoswerera ndichito rova advanced landscaping hangu easy. 3pm mukomana akatarisa phone pfungwa dzangu dzakabvuma kushanda dzakabatanidza one na one and I realized kuti ndandaku blockville.
Unoita kunge unegodo resalt pahuro apo. Ndakatoswera panze ndichimwa mvura yepa tap hangu ndichifunga kuti maybe iprank. Manheru came and went and I convinced myself kuti anenge akuita prank. So I bought airtime ndakachaya runare. Mukadzi we”This number is not taking calls at the moment” aitakunge akuwedzera salt mukamwa. Hezvo ndodi hangu mwana wemunhu. Day one went past handina wandakaudza, day two ne three same same.
Day 4 ndakati haa since ndatsemurwa moyo rega ndisvike pama grosa ndinotenga kapizza ndidye nevapfana vangu hangu nana momz. Ndakarova mota easy easy ndakasvika bho, 3mins drive iyo ndasvika ndatenga pogos apo. Mukomana akamirira kunzi yaita ndinoseva pizza kumba so. Uyu hake mwana waDiabros pfeee paPogos. Apa ndandaka gara paDoor. Unenge wambofunga kuti maybe wamedza salt yese but yakadzoka. I had many options but I chose kuita cool guy and I didn’t even approach her.
The 3mins drive home felt like it was 30. My mind was running mapossible outcome if I had confronted her and zvaisapera mushe. In every situation. I got home and decided not to think about Chenai until a couple of hours later, I was unblocked and pakauya a 24second voicenote achitaura hake nyobvo until 17 seconds in and sisi vakati rega ndimupe emotional damage. “You didn’t do anything wrong Ropa, it’s just that God said no”. ahhh
Ndakagara mudish ipapo and sent it to a few of my friends ndichitsvaga comforting. Boys rakandifara, it was not an easy night that one. Worse futi ndandadya pizza zuva racho. Amana! That same evening Kudi was bored and I had had enough of gen’a rangu so I proposed to call her. Hazvina kumbotora maminutes, the answer was yes. Ndangandisina ma intention ekunyenga. I am being as honest as can be. What happened on that 3hour call sparked an engine dying from lack of love, and so begins the story of how I lost the piece at the time that complimented my growth best.
Momirira part 2, iripo, ndatopedza kuinyora. But It will only drop after 150 views saka share the link. Part 2 is yours to have!