6ix Onyorera Tsamba ma Small Accounts
Mukomana wacho haana mazuva abva kutorwa nenjuzu futi. Apa motivation vema accounts madiki mumastreets kuti vachazoitawo ma Twelebs pamberi apa. Zvese zvaataura ishuwa kana nguva yako yasvika haa unopenyerwa nemastreets.
Dear Small accounts
— 6???????? ???? (@6ix_zw_) February 19, 2022
One day you'll get content and people will follow you. They will interact with you and like your tweets even a full stop. Your DM will be accessed by powerful and influencial people. Just breathe and be hopeful that one day it's gonna be your time to shine.
But ooh well ne personal experience yandinayo zvinozosvika pakupera hazvo. Munhu wodzokera pa starting line wapera sugar zvinenge zvakutoda kuti munhu uzvitangidze futi.