Freeman HKD Adonhedza Mufananidzo Webhama Rake Nyowani

Freeman HKD muimbi wekuita kuti vanhu vafunge kuti Joina City ihotera abura kavha yebhama(album cover) rake David & goliath, iro richabuda kuswera mangwana uri musi wa six Gumiguru. Last time yandakataura nezve muimbi uyu ainge adonhedza Wairesi nebhama Robbery. Muimbi Freeman HKD azotipakurira zvakare zvatingatarisire mubhama rake nyowani iri zvamuri kuona pazasi apa.
Through this album I pray that we challenge ourselves to do better in fighting the various “goliaths” which we face. May it be a moment that allows communities, families and stakeholders to sit down and tackle the challenges being faced by young adults who are addicted (in many forms), depressed and on the verge of committing suicide.
This is not just an album, but a CONVERSATION; a conversation for us all. Therefore as they all say, “let the music speak”, behold I present you the ALBUM COVER for David and goliath OUT 6 OCTOBER on all digital stores.
Posted by Freeman HKD on Tuesday, 4 October 2022