Zvakaita Kuti Ndive A Focused Youth
Ndanga ndichangobva kurambwa nemwanasikana wandaida zvisingaite. Luckily for me ndaive neshamwari dzaiva nerudo. Vaitorwadziwa kuti sei mupfana wavo anga asiri kusekerera. So that weekend vakabva vati vaizondiendesa ku club kumbofara. Hapana aive nemota pagroup redu tiri three so takabva tatomirira hedu ZUPCO pa Mkoba 12 apo mu Gweru. Vakomana vari busy kutaura how they were going to spent their money on me ini moyo waingofunga Paida.
Pamberi pedu paive nevasikana three vaitotaura havo nyaya dzavo. One wacho akabva atonditsika push rangu ne mistake paya and she apologized. But inini ndakaramba ndaka freezer, she was gorgeous: a typical Zimbabwean chick. “Hey mkoma ndati sorry ndakutsikai… are you ok?” akabvunza hake apa voice kunge ra Adele uya wekuimba ‘HELLO’. I didn’t answer her, ndaiona zvese in slow motion, ma lips ake achifamba slow and her distorted voice slowly saying “areeee youuuuu okkkk” sezvoitika muma movie.
Bus rakauya tikapinda, I didn’t talk ne munhu. Takasvika mu club tikagara, hwahwa hwukauya ndakangonyarara. Ndakabva ndangoti pengenu ndobva ndarangarira ka chick kaya kemu ZUPCO. I cursed myself for not talking to her & not getting her number. I smiled, ndakabva ndarangarira number dzaaitaura nema friends ake while I was in my stream of consciousness.
Ndakatora phone yangu, opened my whatsapp GB, entered the message a number option and typed number dzandaive nda memoraiza. Ndanga ndakushaya kuti ndomutangasei. Kutanga munhu ma1 unogona kungonzi "who are you?" wobva waiswa ku blockville. Ndakatombofunga kumutanga neka statement kekuti ndini mkoma uya wawambotsika ne mistake mu line re ZUPCO makuseni. Ndikazosiyana nazvo paitoda imwe plan, ndakarova sip ye booze ndikatanga kufunga.
I then remember she and her friends were talking about registering to vote. Ini hangu ndaisada zve politics but apa ndandazvipira all in an effort to see her. Vaitaura zve organisation inonzi ELECTION RESOURCE CENTRE. Immediately ndakabva ndaenda pa website ravo and their social networking sites looking for clues kuti I political party ipi.
I was relieved to know kuti it was a non-partisan organisation that helped the young and old to register to vote. I noticed a post about their role of providing free transport kune vanhu vaizoda ku register and at that moment I remembered that musikanana uya wemu ZUPCO ainzi Tino and anga awana free transport yaizovatora kubva ku Mkoba kuenda ku registration centre yemu Gweru.
Handina kutambisa nguva, ndakabva ndatofonera toll free number yavo 08080219 ndobva ndadavirwa nevanhu vaive very professional. Transport was arranged and I was told kuti ne Monday na 9am I would catch a bus to and fro which had other potential voters who wanted to register to vote. Chero doro harina kuzombodhaka, ndaingofunga mwana uye wandaizoona ne Monday.
Zveshuwa na exactly 9am transport yakasvika ipapo hana yangu yakatanga kurova kupfuura beat renziyo ya JP iya inonzi ‘DANGEROUS’. Kunge script re movie zvinhu zvese zvakabva zvafamba mushe, ndakabva ndatogara paside pa Tino paya. “Hey we once met haven’t we?” haana kana ku waste time mwana uya. Varume chirungu hachisi chedu ichi, chakabva changopera kunge WhatsApp bundle reimwe network sooo ndakangogona kuti “Yea, yea, Yea”.
Mwana akabva atanga kusekerera paya ndobva ati, “Yea, we met pa bus stop this other day. You must be Shaddy right, I’m Tinotenda” akabva adero extending her pixel perfect hand. Ndakabva ndangoendesawo ruoko rwangu for the shake, pandakabata her hand ameno zvakaitika, its like my brain switched off. Ndakabva ndangoti, “Hie Shaddy I’m Tinoteda, its really nice to meet you”.
Mwana akabva arova chikwee zvekuti bhazi rese raingoshaya kuti zvadii. Kuti ndichi correct it was too late coz akabva angofunga kuti it was a joke. We barely spoke on the way, ndaikwata kutaura netsvarakadenga. Tapedza ku register ku voter takabva tapinda mu transport ye ELECTION RESOURCE CENTRE takudzokera kumba.
Nechemumoyo ndakabva ndabheja kuti I was going to ask her out. Takagara tese again and ndakabva ndati I won’t waste opportunity yandaive ndapihwa ne ERC yekusangana na Tino so I asked her out. She didn’t freak out, she smiled and said to me’ “Shaddy, if you give me ten reasons why you registered to vote I will gladly go out with you.”
Ndakabva ndango sticka paya, I was blank, luckily ndanga ndakanganwa phone yangu mu registration office so ndakabva ndangozviita beep call ne phone ya Tino, promised to come with the ten reasons why I registered to vote ndobva ndaburuka ndichiti ndikunotora phone yangu. Ndakabva ndatora phone ndobva ndangobuda neimwe way, I saved her number and started walking from the CBD to Mkoba which is nearly eight kilometres or more, thinking why I registered to vote so that ndaizomupa ma valid reasons.