Zvinoita Ma Ghetto Youths Ku Varsity 1

Zvinoita Ma Ghetto Youths Ku Varsity 1

As usual we start by a short prayer: PLEASE REGISTER TO VOTE, Amen. Big shout out kuna Tudzaa for keeping this piece pa platform yake. The year was 2021, and I was a freshman ini hangu Gee wepa Chitown. My real name was George, but ku Varsity ndaida kunzi Gee.

Nhasi ndoda kumbokuudzai kamwe ka story so kerimwe zuva randakadya a final year student kunyangwe zvangu ndaive ka freshman. Semunhu aive ane face yakangwara ngwara plus aida fazh ndakatanga kufarirwa nema lecturers akati wandei. Ndaive type iya ine dzungu ku university. Ndaisa shaikwa pavanhu vaisimudza maoko vachida kubvunza mibvunzo lecture rapera. Pane dzimwe dzi lecturer manje dzaindifarira too bad. Haaa idzodzo chero doro chairo dzaitotenga. One day taitove zvedu mukabhawa kari padhuze ne campus kaya tichitorova ma beers. Makabva mapinda vana vaive vakanaka sa Madzimai titi. 

Ndakaona zvima lecturer nezvima student zvese zvotanga kutaura chirungu paya. Kana ari sema lecturers anga akungotaura mazi unnecessary bid words. “Manchester United is a humoungous entity which was built by firm foundations and principles. We are reluctant to failure and in that regard filled with only positive inclination to…” chakadero chimdara chaive lecturer vangu chainzi Uncle Sam nenyaya yacho yekufarira zvinhu zvese zveku USA. 

Hapana akamupikisa zvaakataura, partly because munhu wese focus yanga iri pa vana vanga vapinda. Vana vaya vakabva vagara zvavo pa counter vachirova maBelgravia. Uncle Sam vakabva vatondikwenya ndikaziva nyaya yacho. Ini ndini ndaitumwa kunotora number as well as kufambira nyaya dzacho. Ndakasvika zvangu ne confidence since ndanga ndisirini ndaida vana vacho. Haaa Zimbabwe ine vana vakanaka kana tagara. Mwana iyeye aakanaka zvisingaite apa anga asina kana make up.

Skin yake yainyatsoratidza yega kuti yasuwa sadza, yanga isina kukwasharara sezvakaita yema bby akawanda emuZim. Iwo mazino acho, anga ari colourless because ndikati anga ari white ndege ndakutoasvibisa. Ndakasvika pa counter ndikati chitumbler chandandinacho dhii pa counter to draw their attention. Vana vakabva vavhundukira so, I raised my eyebrows ndobva zvatanga kuto smiler smiler paya.
“Lodza, ndipoo ka dilution ne ice” ndakadero zvangu kuna bar tender. 

Akabva atora zvima juice zvataive tamuchengetesa for diluting Vodka yatairova. Ndakabva ndaburitsa wallet ndobva ndaburitsa $600 yuwesi. Ndakaona kumeso kwezvivasikana zviya kuchiti ngwee nemufaro. Ndakatanga kutsvaga mari muka bundle kema yuwesi ikako ndokubuditsa $20 ndikaisvitsa lodza. Lodza akangobva atenda paya.

“Hie guys, how are you?” ndakabva ndadero kuma chicks aye. Vana ivavo vaito noser zvaifadza, one chacho chaitove neka British accent chaiko. “You know, you can join us anytime, we got a lot of drinks at our table there” ndakadero ndichitendeka kuya kwandaive ndakagara. Zvivana zviya zvakabva zvango smiler smiler. Ndakatora tuma juice twangu ndokubva ndadzokera kunogara pasi. “Wadii ko havasi kuuya wani?” umwe lecturer aitamba na Uncle Sam akabva abvunza paye. “Haa musamhanye sirman, imbomirai chete a few minutes.”

Takabva taenderera mberi nekumwa doro redu paya asi munhu wese ziso raive rakati ndeee kuka table kaye. Zvisinei paya tushiri twuya turi four twakabva twati dzvamu twakananga pa table yedu. Ndakaona varume vandaive ndakagara navo vachifara pamwe nekugudzikana nebasa randaive ndabata. “Hey guys, I hope we’re not disturbing” chakadero chimwe chandaichiva chainzi Lisa. “No, no, not at all. Ladies, please join us” vakadero mkoma Sam paya. “You know we we’re debating with my friends about whether if it was cool to hang out with lecturers who are probably married.” Table yese yakabva yati ziiiiii, haaa varume vanga vabatwa manje. 

Ini hangu ndaida kuramba but since ndakabatanidzirwa pama lecturer ndakabva ndatongo chiller. Body yangu was a bit bigger than my age mates plus ndaichena nebhero repa Chitown apo. “Lecturers yes, married no” akabva adero Uncle Sam “Let me introduce you, this is Professor…” akaenderera mberi nekutaura Sam but ini brain dzaive dziri pakufunga Lisa.

Ndanga ndatove netuma Fantasy. “…and last but not the least is my associate and colleague Mr George Mahewu, unlike us he is neither a professor nor a Doctor but he just finished his Masters Degree and is tutoring low level students”  Chi group chema lecturer chakabva changoseka paya. Umwe neumwe akabva ananga shiri yake ndokubva atodonza rekeni kuti aiuraye…

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