Philharmo X Tr3y XL 'God's Mercy'
Aka ndasangana nako ku Village(Facebook) ndikatapirirwa. Kakaimbwa na Philharmo achi feature Tr3y XL. Ka statement kari pazasi apa kuratidza reason yavakatibikira God's Mercy.
This song was inspired by the deadly pandemic that threatened to wipe out humanity (Covid 19) and other burdens affecting the world, natural disasters , diseases and wars among other things. Its a prayer to Mwari "God" that he may have mercy on his ailing people.
Philharmo a singer, guitarist, song writter and wanna be actor based in Waterfalls, Harare.Anoimba ma genres aya Afro-Pop, Afro Jazz ne RnB. Yaa voice rake rakawandira ku RnB riri too soft zvirikutonzwika pa video riri padenga apo. Anofanirwa kuita collab na Trevor Dongo timbonzwa kuti panobuda zvakaitasei.